GSoC — Week 5
This week I worked on adding charts to the patient dashboard of the android client.
Various vitals of a patient like respiration rate, pulse, body temperature etc are recorded during a visit. Currently, all the past data was displayed as a simple list to the user. A better representation was to use graphs so that proper variation in the patient’s vitals data can be easily visualised.
I intended to use William Charts[1] as the graph library but later on found that the documentation was not proper and then I did little more digging and found MPAndroidChart[2]. It is far better than William Chart because the graphs were more responsive and more features are included in it. Also the documentation was more user friendly so I used MPAndroidChart as the graph library and added graphs for the patients vitals.
Below are some of the screenshots after addition of the Graphs.
The main challenge I faced while working on the graphs was putting dates on the x-axis. The problem was that the entry object of the chart took only floats as input for x and y co-ordinates. So, I created a custom value formatter[3] and sent my date value array list of strings to the formatter and set x co-ordinate as the index in the adapter and then mapped them in the formatter.
Also, the devtest04 server was down and the JSON forms were not added on the qa-refapp server so I made a dummy patient on the server and then downloaded the patient on the android client for testing.
According the discussion on the Openmrs talk thread[4] and issue no. AC-423[5], it was decided that the form should not be created on the manually on the server, rather it should be auto-created by the Android Client if missing. So, I also started working on it.
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