Whatever happens, happens for the good
At some point or the other in your life you must have heard this phrase that “Whatever happened, happened for a better good” , “Everything will be fine” , “One day you are gonna be thankful that this happened ” etc. Well I am not saying they are wrong, all these phrases are 100% correct but the way they are interpreted is wrong.
Like if you don’t get a job or meet with an accident or are in some sort of financial crises, then there is nothing good in it. However, if you stand strong at that time, after sometime you will surely succeed. But your failure has nothing to do the current success, you are successful today only because of your will power.
There is another phrase, “Darker the night, brighter will be the morning”. Now most people think of it as, if you are facing a lot of troubles right now then sooner or later you are going to have a lot of happy moments. Well that depends. Again those yet to come good times have nothing to do with your current bad times. I think that being in the worst situations make your mind so depressed that a small or normal happy moment seems to be big enough.
Following is a nice real life analogy for this:
Think of eating something sweet. So, if you eat something sweet just after eating something else sweet, it doesn’t taste sweet enough but eating same sweet after have something something bitter makes it more sweet!